St Albans Primary School Logo
“Love one another, as I have loved you”





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Firstly, spin the wheel and say the sound it lands on.

Can you do it first time?

If you forget any or want to check, click the video above. 

For the harder challenge, you will need to remember some of the phase 2 tricky words  words which need to be read on sight and cannot be sounded out phonetically. Can you whack the correct mole?!



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Spin the wheel and read the sounds it lands on. How many of the phase 3 sounds can you read? As an extra challenge, can you think of a word with these sounds in them?

A great game to practice the high frequency words from both phase 2 and phase 3. How quickly can you read all the words CORRECTLY?!




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In phase 4, we begin to blend consonants; how many of these words can you read? As the phase 4 trciky words scroll across the screen, you need to read them AND decide if they are spelt correctly or incorrectly. What's your high score?


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“Love one another, as I have loved you”

Contact the School

St Alban's Primary School

Ashburton Road, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 5XB

Headteacher: Mr John McDonald

0151 638

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