St Albans Primary School Logo
“Love one another, as I have loved you”

Extra-Curricular Clubs


Here at St Alban’s we want to offer our children a wider variety of activities to partake in outside of school hours. So this term (Summer 1) we have a selection of experiences to present such as;


  • Madagascar the Musical Junior 
  • Year 4 Tennis Club (Edsential) 
  • Year 5 Cricket Club (Edsential) 
  • Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 Art Club with Mrs Hall and Mrs McCannon 


Mini Vinnies will continue throughout the year as well as our music lessons and our School Council, who let the staff know through the “pupil voice” which extra curricular activities they would really like us to offer.


We are always happy to listen to any suggestions for clubs from the children and would love to hear from parents or carers who have talents they wish to share through an after school club with children.


Over the year we will aim to provide opportunities to bring back some of the favourite clubs such as “Cookery” “Choir” “First Aid” “Chess” and “Netball” and we will try to vary the activities as well as extend the offers to different year groups. 


Staff will be in touch about their after school clubs via email, the school newsletter and ParentPay. 





“Love one another, as I have loved you”

Contact the School

St Alban's Primary School

Ashburton Road, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 5XB

Headteacher: Mr John McDonald

0151 638

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