School Led Tutoring
School Led Tutoring
This is ring-fenced funding for school led tutoring only, covering the staff costs of delivering tuition only. It cannot be used for other costs such as diagnostic tools, equipment, laptops, transport, record keeping or stationery.
Link to the full guidance School-led tutoring grant - GOV.UK (
2021-22 Grant covers 75% of tutoring costs
- For mainstream schools the average cost is £18 per hour, with grant providing £13.50 per hour and school contributing £4.50.
- For Special Schools the average cost is £47 per hour, with grant providing £35.25 per hour and the school contributing £11.75
- Schools can use recovery premium or pupil premium to cover their 25% contribution.
Eligibility - pupils in yr 1 - yr 11who are eligible for Pupil Premium (PP)
- Mainstream education pupils will receive £202.5 per pupil for 60% of pupils eligible for PP Yr1 to Yr 11
- Special Schools and SEND units in mainstream schools will receive £529 per pupil for 60% of PP (It does not state if this is yr1 to yr11)
- If grant is not used the DfE will recover it as an overpayment
Payments will be made in 3 instalments
September 21 3.5/12th (This will be on October tab)
December 21 (assumes 3.5/12th)
April 22 (assumes 5/12th)
Schools cannot carry forward funding into future years
Subsidies in future years
In 2021-22 academic year (as detailed above) - grant covers 75%. School to contribute 25%
In 2022-23 academic year - grant covers 60% of £18 unit cost. School would contribute 40%
In 2023-24 academic year - grant covers 25% of £18 unit cost. Schools would contribute 75%
Data Returns are required
- School led tutoring in school census once a term (guidance has been provided by Schools Insight Team)
- An online form via ESFA at end of academic year
- Further details about requirements for data returns -see link above